To our clients, colleagues, and friends:
As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation continues to evolve, we've made the responsible decision––in the spirit of caution––to conduct our work remotely beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, until further notice.
In taking these social distancing actions, the goal is to protect our valued team and comply with important public health directives.
Rest assured, Harrison Edwards PR is fully operational and available. We are committed to helping our clients and partners during these extraordinary times.
In addition to having our team work from home, we are instituting the following actions:
Limiting business travel;
Restricting in-person meetings, unless extremely necessary;
Not attending public events.
We ask that when you call, please leave a message as our office telephone system will automatically forward your voicemail to us. You may also select the "find me now" option, when prompted, to connect directly to our cell phones. Conference calls and virtual meetings will continue as scheduled.
When e-mailing, please remember to cc team members to ensure the immediate sharing of information, news, and counsel.
Harrison Edwards is committed to the health and well-being of our team and the wider community. Together, we can help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Thank you very much for your understanding, and for all the efforts we know you also are making.
Be well!