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  • Bob Knight

Podcast: Time to Think Like a Reporter

Updated: Jul 6


Harrison Edwards' Jerry McKinstry Talks Shop on National Podcast

It’s not necessarily breaking news that the American media are being transformed before our very eyes.

There are fewer reporters, shifting priorities, disruption, and more partisan coverage on the cable networks: a combination that is troubling to the public, businesses, and clients ... and one might argue for our mental health.

Jerry McKinstry, Director of Strategic Communications at Harrison Edwards, discussed his thoughts on the state of media in the United States and shared his experiences of working with the press – as a reporter, columnist, professor and communications professional – on the national podcast “For Immediate Release” with hosts William F.B. O’Reilly, a Newsday columnist and political consultant, and Liz Feld, president of the Suzanne Wright Foundation.

McKinstry spoke about the changing culture of newsrooms, a decline in local and regional coverage, and what all this means for media agencies trying to tell their clients’ stories. (Hint: Communication professionals must understand exactly what is news – and what isn’t.)

In fact, agencies such as Harry are vital, as they help navigate choppy media waters for clients, in part, by providing solid sources, important facts and unique story lines. “It’s important that we think like reporters, speak their language, and break through the clutter to get our message across,” McKinstry noted. “Because the competition to tell a client’s story and narrative is fierce.”

The wide-ranging discussion wasn’t all business: they touched on politics, baseball, and (celebrity) landscaping!

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